Thank you – Weigh To Shop

DASH would like to thank Carolyn for her contribution in providing a much welcomed service to its residents over the years. This is Carolyn’s story.

My background

In 1976 I started my catering career with a 2 year OND in Catering Management course at Newcastle College, then in 1978 I joined the 1 year NHS Catering Management training scheme based in the North West.

Carolyn at one of her many cookery sessions at DASH

In 1979 I started a job as an Assistant Catering Manager at Greenwich District Hospital in SE London where I worked for 2 years before moving to work as  Deputy Catering Manager in Trafford General Hospital in Manchester. In 1983 my husband & I became Managers of the Flowerpot pub in Macclesfield in Cheshire, then a few years later Managers of the Cheshire Cheese pub in Crewe. During the first 2 years whilst working at the Flowerpot I completed the HCIMA Professional qualification at Manchester Hollings College & also worked part-time in the Army Catering Corps based in Aldershot. After 6 years running the pubs  we moved to live In Lancashire where I worked for 2 years as an Area Catering Manager  in 40 Special needs schools before returning to the North East in 1991 as Area Catering Manager for South Tyneside Council schools ( responsible for 36 school kitchens, restaurants & canteens with 250 catering staff). I als completed the Certificate in Education qualification through Huddersfield University & the CIM in Marketing & did part-time lecturing at South Tyneside College. I continued to work for South Tyneside Council  for over 23 years before taking early retirement in April 2015.

Biography of The Canny Kitchen

After retiring & relaxing for a few months – one day whilst out walking my dogs on Seaham beach, I thought it would be lovely to start up a business with my 2 passions of cooking & teaching children. Over the next few months I set up my business – canny kitchen logoThe Canny Kitchen ( including building a Website, setting up a Facebook page etc ) I started trading in November 2015, Initially  with supplying Cookery workshops &  demos for children ( Schools, Brownies, Guides, Cubs, Scouts, Community groups & Childrens parties). Over the coming months I did a few cookery workshops in Primary schools throughout the North East – this was so rewarding to see how engaging children were when preparing , cooking & eating the dishes they had helped make. Over the following few months I was increasingly being asked to do cookery workshops & demos for adults too, resulting in doing these with many WI groups, Community & church groups, fairs & even Universities. Over the next few years I received a lot of repeat bookings, met so many wonderful people  & loved every minute of this journey. Over the past few years I have done many cookery workshops with the participants from DASH and every time I’ve enjoyed  preparing, cooking & eating the dishes they have made with me &  sharing with them recipes, healthy cooking , eating,  shopping &  budgeting tips – they have always been so engaging & enthusiastic it has made each session a real pleasure & privilege to be part of. In  April 2019 I closed down The Canny Kitchen  & downsized my home to relax & enjoy my ‘real’ retirement  with travelling & holidays on my to do list.

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