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Safena & Tamzin volunteer profile

Tamzin (pictured left) and Safena


Safena & Tamzin

How did you meet?

Met in year 8 at secondary school in Vietnam and have been good friends since. Came to Durham together (by chance) and now live together studying masters programmes.

What do you both study?

S: Masters in Marketing

T: Masters in Social Work

How long have you worked at DASH for?

T: Since the summer of 2020.

S: Since the summer of 2021.

Why did you volunteer?

T: I am passionate about helping vulnerable groups of society. I strongly agree with the foundations of the charity.

S: DASH gave me the opportunity to develop marketing skills through volunteering for a great charity which benefits the local community.

What makes DASH special to you?

T: DASH is special to me as it makes a real difference to the local community. The small scale of the charity means its impact goes a long way. Moreover, DASH supports another charity I work for which is Woman in Refuge making it special to me.

S: Having witnessed significant homelessness growing up in Vietnam, it is heart-warming to see organisations like DASH working exceptionally hard at contributing to solving homelessness. As Tamzin said, DASH really makes a difference to the Durham community.

What do you like about Durham?

We like the small and homely feel about Durham. Moving from overseas was daunting and Durham felt like the perfect fit – a nice small city. 

What do you do besides working at DASH:

T: Plays frisbee for St Cuthbert’s college in my free time

S: I volunteer/am on the Marketing team for SCOOP Durham – a student run non-profit focusing on increasing sustainable purchases.

What are your post-graduation plans?  

T: I would love to go back to Vietnam and volunteer for charities surrounding poverty. I am excited to become a qualified social worker.

S: I am hoping to find a marketing job within the North East of England so I can continue supporting DASH and living in Durham for a bit.

What is the greatest challenge you have faced when working for DASH?

T: We both found it challenging volunteering for DASH during COVID times as we weren’t able to pop into the office. However, we had plenty of zoom calls and were constantly supported by a wonderful team.

S: Also at times it can be hard to find a good balance between charity work and the nature of my degree.

What are your roles at DASH? and what particular skills/strengths do you have that help you to do your job?

We don’t really have specific roles but rather help out where we can. Previously, we have been involved with social media content, posters and various odd jobs.

S: My specific strengths lie within marketing.

T: My social work degree has helped me develop specific skills in empathy and communication.

Something about yourselves that is interesting/different!

We both speak a little bit of Vietnamese.

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