DASH is delighted to be a partner in the Gilesgate & Belmont Wellbeing Project. This is a mutual aid partnership project which was established in April 2020 in response to the need to support local people during Covid19.

DASH is delighted to be a partner in the Gilesgate & Belmont Wellbeing Project. This is a mutual aid partnership project which was established in April 2020 in response to the need to support local people during Covid19.
Tilbury Douglas, a major construction company, contacted DASH to see if we needed any help. We asked if they could help with some painting work at Harry Mears House, one of our properties and they agreed.
The properties in our supported accommodation project at Harry Mears House have undergone some much-needed major improvements.
DASH successfully applied to Durham County Council and Homes England for funding to support the conversion of the first floor and part of the ground floor to provide 4no. 1 bed. self-contained flats which are being let at affordable rent
We want to inform you of the steps we are taking during the Covid 19 pandemic to ensure that the residents who use our service and our staff are as safe as possible
The new accommodation will be let in accordance with DASH’s allocation policy with a strong emphasis on local connection
In April 2020 government funding backed an ‘Everyone In’ campaign to provide accommodation for those living on the streets and reduce their risk of contracting COVID-19. As council agreements with the local businesses in which people have been housed come to an end,...